Paleochora Weather and Climate
Paleochora Weather and Climate
As far as weather and climate is concerned, Paleohora is an ideal place to stay, in contrast to other coastal areas of southern Crete. Visitors always talk enthusiastically about the weather of this truly blessed place.
Rarely can someone find such a mild weather and climate, and such beautiful beaches, as the ones in Paleochora. All year round the weather conditions are superb. In fact, it is always so warm, that the locals are almost unaware of the word “cold”. Paleochora is an ideal place to stay, not only in summer, but in winter, too.
From May until October the weather is warm. A characteristic fact is that the average temperature is higher than the average temperature in the countries of Northern Europe in July and August.
Winter is also mild and pleasant. There is an annual average rainfall of about 400 to 450 mm. The average temperature is 19.5°C. The maximum is 41.5°C and the minimum is 6-7°C.
More specifically, the average temperature is: 14.5°C in January, 13°C in February, 14°C in March, 17°C in April, 19°C in May, 23°C in June, 26.5°C in July, 27°C in August, 24.6°C in September, 21°C in October, 18.5°C in November and 19°C in December.
The average temperature of Paleohora is a bit higher than that of the French Riviera, which is the most developed tourist destination in the Mediterranean Sea.
It is not a coincidence that Apollo, the God of the light and the sun, according to the Greek Mythology, was the loyal lover of the beautiful “bride” living in southern Crete, and would never abandon her, even in the coldest days of winter. It is this mild climate and weather of Paleohora the reason the town is also called “The Bride of the Libyan Sea” and “The Land of the Sun”.
Due to the dryness of the air, with average humidity of 15%, the atmosphere is clear and the sky is blue and bright. There are 44 cloudy days per year (while in Athens, for example, there are 57). Due to the excellent weather and climate of Paleochora, you can enjoy swimming here all year round (even though it may be quite refreshing during the winter months).